Pacifica Orthopedics, Huntington Beach, California.

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What is bursitis?


At dozens of places in the body, there are moving parts that could rub against each other. Most of these are at joints where bones are kept apart by cartilage and move together to allow elaborate movement. The spaces between tendons and bones are also included. Small sacs of semi-fluid are present in most of these places and are known as bursae. These operate as cushions to soften the contact between the bones and other solid parts.

If one of these bursae becomes inflamed, the sufferer has bursitis and should seek assistance from an Orthopedic Surgeon.

The patient will be feeling an ache or more severe pain on the joint and possibly notice a slight swelling. Pressure on the area will result in more pain. Movement of the affected joint will be restricted and painful. The usual slippery surface of the bursa, providing low friction movement, is no longer available. The reduction in friction will make movement hard and painful.

The bursa may be inflamed following excessive strain on the joint concerned. Alternatively, repeated slight stress can be a cause. People such as joggers and athletes are susceptible. People lifting above their heads may damage the bursa in the shoulder. Bursae in the knee can be affected by repeated kneeling. People, who always sleep on one side, putting pressure on the same shoulder for example, may find themselves with an inflammation of the bursa of the shoulder.

The bursa can also become infected if bacteria find their way into the fluid in the sac. This can happen if there are cuts or abrasions above the joint area which are not kept clean.

Some other conditions give rise to higher risk of bursitis. For example, arthritis, a condition of the joints, can lead on to or include bursitis as a complication.

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