Pacifica Orthopedics, Huntington Beach, California.

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Hip injuries can occur from bad falls, car accidents or they can be long term injuries that occurred over several years creating a permanent injury to the hip joint. This can occur from carrying heavy buckets on a regular basis and at first you will not notice anything. Once the hip joint starts to wear, because of undue pressure, an injury develops. Treatment given early on, before the damage is too severe can certainly help to prevent the need for a hip replacement later on in life. Untreated hip injuries will almost always go down this path, so treatment is imperative once there has been any damage. Physical therapy and chiropractic manipulation will promote healing in the area and if you cease to put undue pressure on your hip joints, you could make a complete recovery.

Likewise with hip injuries caused from a bad fall, if treatment is not commenced straight away the hip will start to wear in the wrong position and it is harder to realign it later on. If you have any pain walking sitting down, squatting or straddling a bike or a horse you there is likeliness that you may have misaligned hips. Chiropractic alignment will fix the problem relieving the pain and preventing the onset of a long term hip injury.

Because the hips are an integral part of the human walking apparatus they need to kept in tip top condition and well aligned. As it is the body’s natural alarm system to feel pain when there is a problem, hip pain should never be ignored.

Arthritis can form in the hips and be excruciatingly painful, making it hard to walk. Physical therapy is necessary when arthritis first appears to minimize the pain. Regular treatments will ease the wear on the hip joint that arthritis inevitably causes. Less wear on the joint means less pain and less likelihood of having to have a hip replacement.

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