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Rehabilitation After Orthopedic Knee Surgery


One of the more common Orthopedic Surgery procedures involves the knee. As the shock absorbe3r for the legs the knees can undergo a great deal of stress especially from athletes. Once the surgery to the injured knee has been performed, the patient is normally referred by the Orthopedic Surgeon to a rehabilitation therapist that will help to build strength and movement in the joint again.

Some of the more common knee injuries that will require Orthopedic therapy include -but are by no means limited to; both minor and major knee surgeries, ligament and cartilage injuries, anterior cruciate ligament damage, patella tendonitis, knee reconstruction as well as arthritis. Whatever the injury or condition that has affected the knee, Orthopedic therapy can certainly help to assist in pain relief, better movement capabilities and strength building. The physical therapists role is to provide guidance and support and develop a program specifically tailored to the patient in an aim to build strength and regain full use of the knee.

Muscle tightening is a common issue that affects a patient when they are seeking therapy after surgery. Soft tissue damage and scar tissue can hamper the recovery of the injury and so therapy is strongly advised post Orthopedic surgical procedures. The physical therapist will develop a management plan where exercises are taken slowly and can be practiced at home as well as during therapy visits. Pushing the body too far too soon can have an adverse effect on recovery and is strongly advised against. The Orthopedic therapist will be able to set the pace of progress to recovery while working closely with the Orthopedic surgeon in order to fulfill the treatment goals.

Just as important to the strength training is the stretching session both before and after these specific exercises. Stretching can help to release lactic acid build up and assist in recovery. The physical therapist will prescribe a set of stretching exercises that will target the specific muscles that surround the knee. Some of these are the quadriceps and hamstrings. The quadriceps are connected below the knee and are found on the front of the thigh, this is the muscle responsible for allowing the leg to straighten and are important for walking and sitting. The hamstring is positioned behind the leg and at the rear of the knee. This is the muscle that the leg uses primarily when bending. The therapist will concentrate on these muscles when building the strength back into the injured knee.

Should permanent changes need to be made to the work environment in order for the patient to perform their duties of employment, an Occupational therapist will assist the patient in addressing the issues both in the workplace and at home that may prevent further injury or prevent future healing of the knee. Occupational therapists can assess the workplace and identify contributing factors to injury with workers and offer alternatives to them. The Orthopedic occupational therapist works in conjunction with the physical therapists and Orthopedic Surgeon to ensure recovery is expedited in all areas for the patient.

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