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Common Neck Injury Complaints


Should you have a neck injury it can be very serious and even affect your ability to walk, move with ease as well as stand normally. The reason why these injuries are treated very seriously is because they may result in spinal cord injury which is what connects your brain to the rest of the body.

There are many different types of accidents that can result in neck injury to a person. Should your neck encounter sudden jerking back and forth, a person may suffer what is regarded as whiplash. Whiplash is a type of sprain where the ligaments that attach the spine have been stretched and torn. This can result in extreme pain and a great deal of stiffness. This is an injury that can take minutes to hours to present, or can develop significant pain over the course of days. It is also true that you may not be able to visibly see any injury to the neck, but there is an underlying pain beneath the skins surface.

Another common ailment when it comes to neck injury is a condition known as Acute Wry Neck or Torticollis. This also usually occurs after sudden movement and rather than being a severe back and forth jerking such as whiplash, wry neck generally occurs from rotation. This usually presents as a sudden onset of neck pain and limited movement which is generally caused by compression of the nerves in the neck and the subsequent reflex neck muscle spasms.

Any person that is experiencing significant neck pain especially if it is constant, severe, comes with a headache or migraine should seek medical attention immediately. An orthopedic surgeon is a specialist doctor that deals in neck injuries as well as other injuries to the human body. Should you experience numbness, tingling and weakness you should contact your orthopedic doctor immediately.

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