Pacifica Orthopedics, Huntington Beach, California.

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Do You Have Repetitive Strain Injury


Many of us have heard of the term repetitive strain injury. If we do not suffer from this condition directly we often know of someone that does. Should you be experiencing pain and you think that you may have repetitive strain injury then it is wise to educate yourself on what it is that this condition consists of. Repetitive strain injury is actually a term that describes a wide range of many different conditions. Many of these conditions are concerned with muscle tendon and nerve injury or trauma and this condition has also been described inthe past as occupational overuse syndrome.

Interestingly, when we think of Repetitive Strain Injury or RSI we often think about the hands or the wrists. However, it may surprise you to learn that it can refer to any part of the human body that has a trauma from over use. This over use generally is the result of the same actions participated in over a long period of time, or repeatedly. There may be pain or perhaps even aching in the areas affected at first. Some sufferers report that there is also a degree of numbness and may result in tingling around the area as well as some swelling.

Many times An RSI condition can appear and subside at irregular intervals. Many times, however, this type of injury can return and then stay with the sufferer for life. This makes RSI a painfuland debilitating condition that often restricts the movement of the area or limb involved and can result in the person not being able to participate in activities involving the affected area. Many people who suffer from RSI report that they have a poor quality of life due to this injury.

Should you be experiencing any pain or symptoms as reported above then you are strongly urged to consult with an orthopedic doctor sooner rather than later. There have been some successful treatment options available to people with RSI and these can be discussed with your treating orthopedic specialist.

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