Pacifica Orthopedics, Huntington Beach, California.

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Sports Medicine Practitioners Working With Orthopedic Specialists


Sports medicine is an specialist area that works closely with a patients Orthopedic surgeon. Should you injure yourself whilst playing sport, or develop a condition resulting from overuse during your sporting career then you may seek the assistance of a sports medicine practitioner. Not always is it the rule that seeing an Orthopedic specialist will result in surgery. Today with the assistance of a sports medicine practitioner, a patient can be diagnosed, treated and building strength back in the injured area all without a single operation.

Many of us that are play sport find an injury or condition that leaves us sore an incredibly big inconvenience. We may even refuse to seek help for it or have the injury properly diagnosed as we think that it will result in surgery or expensive treatment options. This is often not the case at all. Seeking advice when you injure yourself initially from your nearest medical center can help you to determine as to whether the condition will warrant assessment from a specialist like an orthopedic surgeon or sports medicine practitioner.

If you are referred to a specialist for your condition then having it properly diagnosed as well as discussing the various treatment options for you can certainly put your mind at rest. Many times if surgery is required, it is non invasive and generally keyhole surgery is performed, leaving minimal scarring as well as reducing any further impact on the healing process. When a patient has a specialist team monitoring their pain management, treatment as well as their recovery through physical therapy and injury rehabilitation, the opportunity to get back playing at optimal capacity are greatly enhanced. A simple conversation with your Orthopedic surgeon or sports medicine practitioner will allow the patient a better understanding about the treatment options available as well as prognosis and earliest recovery time.

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