Pacifica Orthopedics, Huntington Beach, California.

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What is Bursitis?


If you suffer from Bursitis you have inflammation of the bursa. The most commonly affected joints by Bursitis include the hip and knee joints as well as the shoulder and the elbows. Most often than not, over use is the main cause of Bursitis.

Bursa are little sacs that are filled with lubricating liquid that is used for the free movement and motion of a joint. They are located between two structures that join, usually muscles, tendons and bones. Their job is to reduce the amount of friction and help to glide the tendon over the bony surface. Whilst you wont have any joint deformity noticeable when you suffer from Bursitis, you will have significant amount of pain and your movement will also be somewhat restricted.

They are located outside the joint itself and considering that both the tendons and the bursae are situated near the joints, when inflammation occurs it can sometimes be mistaken for arthritis. That is why if you experience any of the signs and symptoms below you should see your local orthopedic doctor as soon as possible to discuss pain management, diagnosis, treatment and recovery with rehabilitation.

The swelling and inflammation can occur quite fast or gradually build over a few hours or even days. Common causes of Bursitis in the shoulder, elbow, hip and knee is usually overuse, injury or repeated pressure, Some disorders such as gout, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis can also contribute to the onset of Bursitis.

Some of the common signs and symptoms are ( but are not restricted to):

  • Pain in the area of the bursitis
  • Swelling
  • Heat around the affected area
  • Night time will bring more pain
  • Movement can cause more severe pain
  • Muscle and joint stiffness
  • Skin reddening

Bursitis can be managed and treated by an orthopedic doctor and should be seen to as soon as pain appears.

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