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Tips to relieve knee injuries


The largest joint in the human body, which is the most prone to injury is the knee. Several common injuries can cause severe pain in the knees making it difficult to move around. Some of commonest knee injuries include straining or tearing of the ligaments and/or tendons, tears in the cartilage, inflammatory arthritis, and bursitis.

You can overcome knee injury by adopting more than one treatment method. All these techniques can assist you in restoring the flexibility, mobility, and functionality of your knees. The method used to relieve the pain caused due to such injuries depends on the stage and time of your injury.

The most important consideration is getting adequate rest to ensure no further injury occurs to the joint. Moreover, if you see some swelling in the area, you need to stay off the feet to allow the inflammation to settle. In addition, using ice packs on the swollen area helps to alleviate the pain and reduce the inflammation caused due to a knee injury. You must use a compress or any other method to immobilize the area and reduce the swelling. Finally, elevating the knee above the heart assists in restoring blood circulation in the injured area.

Some exercises are also beneficial in reducing the pain of a knee injury and restoring your mobility. These include terminal knee extensions, straight leg-raises turning the foot outwards and standing leg curls. Before undertaking any of these exercises, it is important to consult a physician to ensure the most suitable exercises that will not cause further damage to the area.

You can choose from numerous options when dealing with a knee injury. Your physician is the most suitable person to decide the appropriate treatment for helping you relieve the pain. In case you need to undergo a surgery, it is recommended you consult an orthopedic surgeon before the procedure.

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